Preventing Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying Prevention

Nowadays everyone is online.  You can be anyone you want to be. Some choose to have anonymous accounts and use pseudonymous. Some of those people use their anonymity harass people online. One’s reputation is the only thing a person carries with them, and cyberbullies often target this. Victims become emotional damaged, and may have thoughts of self-harm, that eventually leads to suicide. Learn how to prevent Cyberbullying with methods provided below:

Secure Your Online Accounts and Presence

An important part of cyberbullying prevention is to secure your online accounts. Cyberbullies get most of your data from such social media websites and personal data brokers like USA People and And after that, they use that information to harass you. To prevent this situation, you need to secure your online data by opting of personal data brokers.

Create a private email just for your social media accounts. Never share this email address with the public. Use a password manager like LastPass to generate strong and unique passwords for your accounts. Change your password after certain months regularly, so that no would access your account.

Adjust your Social Media Privacy Options

Make sure you are comfortable with the level of privacy you have on your social media accounts. By default, most social media accounts are indexed by google search. In some cases, a cyberbully will create fake accounts using your details from social media. The cyberbully will then post terrible things just to harm your reputation. To get remedy of this situation, you need to report the fake account, and also their real account if you have it. This way, the person who is running the fake account will be blocked, and they would no longer get access to that account. Buy “yourname”.com to prevent cyberbullies from creating websites to harass you.

Resources for Adjusting Your Social Media Privacy settings





Photo by Eric Gilkes